Canadian College of Healthcare and Pharmaceutics

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While many industries have rapidly evolved, the healthcare industry remains relatively slow to adapt. Take for instance the example of fax, the National Health Services in UK has finally decided to no longer provide financial support to buy fax machines. The slow adaptation does not mean that healthcare industry does not want its worker to learn new skills or use of equipment. The financial pressures and budgetary cuts have forced healthcare industry to expect more from its workers. The case-in-point is the rising demand from allied health professionals to perform phlebotomy or EKG even when they do not formally receive training to perform these simple procedures.

In the educational services, we are seeing an increasing trend among health professionals to upgrade skills from accredited institutions. These professionals are opting for common procedures performed at medical offices including phlebotomy, EKG, and EMR (electronic medical record) training. Many professionals are also choosing to expand their skillset to look for opportunities in clinical research and insurance.

The Canadian College of Healthcare and Pharmaceutics is well aware of these demands and is offering well-designed, hands-on, and cost-effective skills upgradation workshops. Our popular programs include phlebotomy, Field Health Examiner (health insurance), clinical research, pharmacovigilance, and EKG workshops. For more information, please contact or call 416-233-7869 during business hours.

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