Canadian College of Healthcare and Pharmaceutics

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First Aid & CPR / AED

– Program Brochure
– Program specialty

Medical emergencies can occur unexpectedly, regardless of time, place, or person. First Aid & CPR / AED courses aim to equip you with the necessary skills and understanding to respond confidently and potentially significantly impact someone’s well-being. By applying the fundamentals of First Aid, CPR, and AED, you can significantly influence outcomes, ranging from life and death, temporary injury versus permanent disability, or prolonged hospitalization versus swift recovery. Through these courses, we ensure you’re prepared to tackle challenges with assurance and efficacy and become a real-life hero. These courses are offered in partnership with Code 8 Division of Emergmart Response Systems, Inc. and are approved by WSIB.

  • Convenient class schedule
  • Small group of students for individualized attention and best practical learning experience
  • Experienced faculty with vast Healthcare knowledge to help students throughout the course
  • Stackable credential
  • Certificate given on successful completion
  • Training is also available off- site at venues convenient to large groups
  • Standard First Aid & CPR C/AED — 14 hours — Certificate validity: 3 years
  • Emergency First Aid & CPR C/AED — 9 hours — Certificate validity: 3 years

A workshop certificate is issued by the Code 8 Division of Emergmart Response Systems, Inc. and is approved by WSIB

You can register by clicking on any of the dates below or by filling out the registration form and paying the fees when prompted to do so.

  • Standard First Aid, CPR/AED OR Emergency First Aid, CPR/AED –August 10th, 2024
  • Standard First Aid, CPR/AED OR Emergency First Aid, CPR/AED –September 7th, 2024
  • Standard First Aid, CPR/AED OR Emergency First Aid, CPR/AED –October 5th, 2024
  • Standard First Aid, CPR/AED OR Emergency First Aid, CPR/AED –November 2nd, 2024
  • Standard First Aid, CPR/AED OR Emergency First Aid, CPR/AED –December 7th, 2024